
Understanding Change in a Broader Context Than Just IT Investment Assessment

Posted September 12, 2007 | Leadership |

Several Business-IT Strategies Advisors ago (see "Understanding Change in the Context of IT Investment," 6 December 2006), I discussed the concept of change and the need to understand its powerful influences to manage information technology for value effectively. Change is the belle of the IT management ball, which is why within an array of business contexts it frequently attracts our attention.

About The Author
John Berry
John Berry Senior Consultant John Berry is a management consultant with extensive experience in helping organizations execute strategies designed to deliver breakthrough value from IT and other investments. He is the inventor of a portfolio of strategic planning and value analysis methodologies that guide managers in their IT investment and sourcing decisions. He is also the author of Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets (McGraw-Hill, 2004… Read More
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