Cutter's latest survey confirms that the SaaS movement is in full throttle. Customer interest and adoption of this new on-demand model is real and continuing to grow at a strong pace.
"This growth is being fueled by shifting customer preference and a solid track record of success among early SaaS adopters. Unlike overhyped technology fads of the past, which were primarily pushed by vendors, today's SaaS market is evolving out of genuine user needs and real 'game changing' technological innovations," says Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant Jeff Kaplan.
In late 2005 and early 2006, Cutter Consortium published a series of Executive Updates based on the results of its first software-as-a-service (SaaS) survey, which dispelled many of the misconceptions about the relatively new phenomena at the time. Cutter's latest SaaS study lends further proof that interest and adoption of on-demand software solutions is accelerating, and the business benefits gained from these Web-based applications are real and compelling.
Cutter's first SaaS survey found almost a third of organizations already using SaaS solutions and an equal portion considering SaaS. While the proportion of this year's survey respondents using a SaaS solution hasn't risen, the percentage considering SaaS has jumped to 43%.
Are you currently using or considering using software-as-a-service (SaaS)?

Improved ROI and cost-effectiveness have been seen as the greatest benefits of the SaaS delivery model. The ability of current users to generate tangible and measurable results from their SaaS solutions has encouraged many other organizations to consider and adopt SaaS as well.
What is the greatest benefit of the SaaS offering?

Kaplan says "Each of these trends has led to a surprising level of user adoption, not only among small and medium-sized businesses that were unable to afford traditional enterprise applications in the past, but also larger enterprises that have grown tired of the low ROI of their existing applications. Cutter's latest survey finds that the momentum from these trends is accelerating."
To request a copy of the Software and Vendor Relationships Advisor, SaaS Appeal Growing or to schedule an interview with Jeff Kaplan, contact Ron Pulicari (+1 781 641 5114 or ).
See more information about Jeff Kaplan
To request a press pass to Cutter Consortium's 11th annual Cutter Consortium Summit, April 29-May 2, 2007, contact Ron Pulicari (+1 781 641 5114 or
See more information about Cutter Consortium Summit 2007.