
Losing Your Reputation

Posted July 27, 2006 | Leadership | Leadership |

This past June might be known as the month of the lost business reputations. I don't recall a month when so many seemingly solid corporate reputations have been tarnished.

Let's start with an announcement by the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus in June that it would have to delay deliveries of its A380 super-jumbo jet by yet another six months. The announcement takes Airbus customers -- and the market -- by surprise, leading to a drop of 26% in Airbus stock price in one day.

About The Author
Robert Charette
Robert N. Charette is a Cutter Fellow and a member of Arthur D. Little’s AMP open consulting network. He is also President of ITABHI Corporation and Managing Director of the Decision Empowerment Institute. With over 40 years’ experience in a wide variety of technology and management positions, Dr. Charette is recognized as an international authority and pioneer regarding IT and systems risk management. Along with being a Contributing Editor to… Read More
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