Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders
Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.
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Establishing and maintaining corporate purpose is not limited to grand gestures but is shaped by everyday actions and governance decisions. This Advisor presents five principles that can help organizations guide deliberation about corporate purpose.
Wielding the Power of No
As this Advisor highlights, purpose is vital for direction and unity. Beyond foundational steps, the ability to say no — empowered refusal — is essential for aligning decisions with organizational identity. By fostering this skill, organizations can ensure their actions consistently reflect their stated values.
This issue of Amplify looks at how leaders can best balance digital era stewardship and growth. That future hinges on strong management in the next five years. Each article addresses the universal question that challenges boards and C-suites: will leaders shape the future, or allow it to define them?
Cutter Expert San Murugesan spotlights AI’s worrisome “dark side.” Specifically, he outlines a wide array of concerns related to AI’s inherent complexity, scalability, reliability, and ethical issues. More importantly, Murugesan sets forth a trust framework that can underpin responsible and effective AI design, development, implementation, and application.
Jeremy Blain offers a thought-provoking demarcation of digital detachment and determination. He identifies the pitfalls of widespread tepid and failed transformation projects in recent years and trumpets the imperative for credible leadership that forges meaningful digital era readiness. The article equips senior executives with the insights they need to ask meaningful questions and take substantive actions to ready their organizations for the decade ahead.
In his article, Noah Barsky explores the criticality of financial insight and responsibility. Timely and timeless financial acumen is as crucial as ever in the digital era, as it can quickly reveal which enterprises are, in reality, only technologies in search of a sustainable business model. Despite the fluid and fleeting lexicon of business buzzwords, leaders of well-run organizations honor fiscal stewardship, deliver competitive returns, and communicate with clarity and candor.
Part II of this Advisor series on change management focuses on the critical role of a reimagined change management office (CMO) in driving successful digital transformations. It examines the CMO’s solution catalog, levels of program engagement, and essential enablers for effective change management, offering actionable insights to enhance organizational adaptability and transformation outcomes.
This Advisor emphasizes that true leadership transcends titles and is rooted in authenticity and conscious awareness. The inner leadership journey shifts from ego-driven action to being, unlocking profound personal and organizational transformation essential for today’s leaders.