
The Agile Enterprise and the Division of Labor

Posted April 9, 2018 | Leadership | Amplify
division of labor

Gene Callahan has some great advice for build­ing awesome people. Beginning with the idea of the division of labor, Callahan walks us through the history of how traditional organizations find themselves as a collection of specialists who struggle to be responsive to the changing marketplace. He then examines the need for people who are generalizing specialists (people who can collaborate effectively and learn from one another).

About The Author
Gene Callahan
Gene Callahan is an Industry Associate Professor of Computer Science at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering, where he teaches one of the first DevOps courses in the US. Dr. Callahan worked for two decades as a software engineer and manager. He is the author of Economics for Real People and Oakeshott on Rome and America. Dr. Callahan holds a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD from Cardiff University… Read More
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