Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Through a recent executive leadership roundtable, we learned that top leaders tend to construct their ESG strategies through three lenses (or frames): Games (with referees and rules), Positions (with some being deciders and some doers), or Capitals (with money overpowering other capitals). In short, as this Advisor explains, ESG strategies are neither given nor static. Rather, they evolve depending on the character dimensions of the leaders who envision and enact them.
In this Amplify Update, we first examine the principles of ESG/DEI and how each benefits the organization. Next, we explore obstacles companies face when embracing these initiatives and provide a holistic approach to overcoming challenges and mitigating backlash. By overcoming these issues and effectively integrating ESG and DEI principles into corporate responsibility strategies, companies can create long-term value for stakeholders while advancing their broader mission of responsible corporate citizenship.
Building a high-performance team takes significant effort, and it doesn't occur until all members of the team are working together like a well-oiled machine. In this Advisor, we explore a key ingredient of high-performance teams: leaders who display social intelligence when leading and putting the team together.
In this Advisor, Myles Suer offers nine pieces of advice gleaned from a forthcoming book on AI-savvy leadership. Effective leaders can use this advice to propel AI in their organizations and gain real business value.
Stakeholders are demanding more than just financial results from organizations. They’re increasing the pressure on CEOs to encourage strong ethical behaviors in their organizations, address social problems, and take a stance on current events. The worldwide increase of social injustice, both inside and outside organizations, demands that CEOs establish cultures and processes that are inclusive of all people.
In this Advisor, we explore two trends uncovered by ADL’s 2024 “CEO Insights” study: CEOs plan to continue existing growth strategies and are increasing their growth investments.
Oana Branzei, Dusya Vera, and Kimberley Young Milani take a deep dive into leadership in the eye of the “ESG storm.” The authors look at how today’s frames change tomorrow’s leaders and leadership, a critical aspect of the future of corporate responsibility. The stakes on leading responsibly have never been higher, they write, with leading business outlets warning companies about getting ESG “just right” while calling on leaders to “act purposefully.” How leaders solve this paradigm will change the future of corporate responsibility, say the authors. They then describe a framework that can help leaders see the future as the poly-activation of character dimensions and argue that as leaders activate a broader expanse of dimensions, including temperance, integrity, drive, and deep collaboration, their judgment becomes stronger, and additional futures open up. And as more character dimensions are exercised, the future’s leaders become more inclusive, collaborative, and sustainable — with or without the letters E, S, and G.
In this Advisor, Cynthia E. Clarke delves into climate strategies for boards of directors, including avoiding greenwashing, staying up to speed on potential regulatory changes, reporting on the risks of transitioning to net zero, and having a dedicated team accountable for ESG reporting to ensure information accuracy.