
Agile Is Way Past the Chasm

Posted April 3, 2013 | Leadership |

Does this quote from Moore's Crossing the Chasm feel like the agile adoption marketplace today?

When a product reaches this point in the market development, it must be made increasingly easier to adopt in order to continue being successful. If this does not occur, the transition ... may very well stall or never happen.

About The Author
John Heintz
John Heintz is a Cutter Expert and CEO of Aptage. He is an experienced Agile manager, particularly in Lean and Kanban. In 2008, Mr. Heintz founded Gist Labs to further focus on the essential criteria for innovative success. On a recent project, he coached a 100-person Agile/Lean game studio, helping the organization increase its throughput of game features per month while coordinating cross-team communication paths, resulting in a doubling of… Read More
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