Executive Update

Anatomy of an IT Turnaround: Part III -- So You've Got an IT Strategy, Now What?

Posted August 16, 2010 | Leadership |

Throughout this Executive Update series, we have been examining a nonprofit association facing serious IT leadership, financial, and support issues.1 Over the course of a year, the association initiated a turnaround effort to resolve crises, restore customer confidence, and allow the association to refocus on its primary business mission and goals.

About The Author
Kenneth Rau
Kenneth Rau is an internationally recognized authority on IT strategic planning, governance, control, and performance measurement. Mr. Rau has conducted research, written, spoken, consulted, and practiced in these areas for more than 30 years, helping businesses increase the business value of IT. His current areas of focus are IT performance measurement, governance, financial and risk management, and IT organizational change management.… Read More
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