
Architecting Data Lakes, Part II

Posted March 8, 2016 | Technology |

In Part I of this series, I explored the data lake and other metaphors for data storage in use today. Leaving technology platforms aside (which I strongly urge you to do, at least for now), understanding what a data lake could or should be starts, unsurprisingly, with knowing what the business needs from it and that it cannot get anywhere else. That understanding comes from a conceptual architecture, which therefore must have a much broader scope than its central topic. A conceptual architecture is a picture that forms the basis for conversation, understanding, and agreement between business and IT. It doesn't have enough detail for IT to build it. It must be simple enough for business people to take it in and understand what's going on.

About The Author
Barry Devlin
Dr. Barry Devlin is a Cutter Expert, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and an expert in all aspects of data architecture, including data warehousing, data preparation, analytics, and information management. He is dedicated to moving business beyond mere intelligence toward real insight and innovation, complementing technological acumen from informational, operational, and collaborative fields with a deep focus on human… Read More
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