For most organizations implementing customer experience (CX) management practices, it is still too soon to tell if their practices are living up to expectations. This finding comes from the initial results of an ongoing Cutter Consortium survey on CX management in the enterprise.
Referring to Figure 1, we see that just over 10% of surveyed organizations report that their CX management practices are currently meeting or exceeding expectations, while 9% say that their CX practices are not living up to expectations. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of organizations indicate that it is simply too early to tell how their CX practices are doing.

These findings reflect other results from our survey that reveal that the majority of organizations today are either still experimenting with CX practices and technologies or are in various stages of implementing CX practices and applications with plans for their deployment to take place sometime within the next 12-16 months.
That said, the findings do appear to show that, at this early stage of CX adoption, organizations that have implemented CX management practices are about evenly split on whether their practices so far are living up to or meeting expectations. However, that 69% of organizations will have to wait and see how their CX management practices progress obviously provides a lot of room for change in future survey findings.
Some survey participants pointed out that their organizations were having difficulty trying to adequately determine how well their CX practices are doing. Consequently, they were hesitant to state the status of their organizations’ CX practices. Some also noted that their organizations were considering bringing in outside experts to assist them in this area.
Finally, I’d like to get your opinion pertaining to measuring the benefits, payoff, and ROI from CX practices, as well as comments about CX management in general. You can comment at the link below, email me at, or call me at +1 510 356 7299 with your comments and questions. And please take our CX survey on how organizations are adopting or planning to adopt CX management practices and technologies.