
Business Architecture Is the Real Tie that Binds

Posted October 15, 2013 | Technology |

In a 2012 Cutter IT Journal article entitled "Business Capability Architecture Is the Tie that Binds All," Andrew Guitarte discussed how to use business capabilities to improve efforts related to business strategy, enterprise change, and project portfolio prioritization. We concur that strategy, enterprise change, and portfolio management are managed more effectively using business architecture, and agree that capabilities are a component of business architecture.

About The Author
William Ulrich
William M. Ulrich is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and President of TSG, Inc. Specializing in business and IT planning and transformation strategies, he has more than 35 years’ experience in the business-IT management consulting field. Mr. Ulrich serves as strategic advisor and mentor on business-IT transformation initiatives and also serves as a workshop leader to businesses on a wide… Read More
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