Executive Update

CIO Eyes Only: One More Case for Green IT -- Part II

Posted January 31, 2008 | Leadership |

In the first Executive Update of this two-part series, I examined the need to be prepared for a looming crisis in the data center due to the lack of planning and execution in green IT. Here in Part II, I present a way to look at your data center energy efficiency in order to be prepared for such a crisis.


Consider the following three-week approach to establish a sound response.

About The Author
Deborah Grove
Deborah Grove is the founder of Grove Associates. Grove Associates works with executives on company strategies that endorse the principles of sustainability, the hallmarks of innovation, and the competitive edge of a nimble IT organization (read more, including a blog on green IT, atwww.grove-associates.com). Ms. Grove also has received Global Business Network's training on scenario planning (www.gbn.com).
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