
For the CIO: One "Size" Does *Not* Fit All

Posted March 15, 2011 | Leadership |

It is all too easy to make high-level general statements about CIOs and IT organizations. Often these statements work from the assumption that all CIOs and all IT organizations are alike. For example, since the turn of the year, we've seen a lot of "CIO's Concerns for 2011" and similar articles.

About The Author
Bob Benson
Bob Benson applies more than 40 years of academic and corporate experience to assist companies and government agencies in understanding the business value of IT, strategic and financial IT management, strategic IT planning, effective IT application development, and IT governance. He has written more than 100 Cutter Consortium Advisors on business technology strategy and IT governance as well as additional Executive Reports, Updates, and Cutter… Read More
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