Executive Update

Containing Costs on the Desktop

Posted March 31, 2007 | Leadership |

One of the uglier truths of the entire Windows franchise is the desktop maintenance and management costs introduced with the provisioning of workstations. IT and purchasing managers are fully aware that the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a workstation is often many factors of cost higher than the original purchase price. Relief in the form of support technologies has been sporadic and incomplete. Is the future more promising?

TCO in desktop and related device management has many guises, including:

About The Author
John Berry
John Berry Senior Consultant John Berry is a management consultant with extensive experience in helping organizations execute strategies designed to deliver breakthrough value from IT and other investments. He is the inventor of a portfolio of strategic planning and value analysis methodologies that guide managers in their IT investment and sourcing decisions. He is also the author of Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets (McGraw-Hill, 2004… Read More
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