The Cutter Edge

The Cutter Edge: Risk Management for Digital Disruption, Blockchain Privacy, EA Capability Development

Posted August 14, 2018 | |

14 August 2018

Welcome to The Cutter Edge. In each free issue, you'll find research, insight, and advice crucial to helping you navigate the spectrum of challenges technology change brings.

New from The Cutter Edge

A Risk Management Approach to Digital Disruption

Whether we choose to face it or not, digital disruption is here to stay and will affect every enterprise. As Enterprise Architects, what can we do to ensure the right opportunities are seized while keeping risks at bay? More.

Blockchain Technology and Privacy

With the deployment of blockchain data stores, the potential for data breaches increases as data is distributed across the globe. Firms that store data using these technologies need to be cognizant of potential attack vectors and operational security requirements.  More.

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to Develop Your Enterprise Architecture Capability

Develop your individual or team enterprise architecture capability with online courses and modules presented by Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant Roger Evernden! This convenient, self-paced online training will help you make improvements to your existing EA journey or start a new one today! Learn more or register now!

Blockchain: Where Are We Now? Where Are We Headed?

Explore the opportunities, challenges, existing and projected applications, use cases, and the industry and business implications of blockchain technology. Visit the Cutter Bookstore and SAVE 20% with Coupon Code BCW20. Order now!

Considering a digital transformation? Listen to this free podcast first! 

Those cool lists of transformative technologies are only useful if you've done three other (big) things first! Determine if you have the right methods, skills, and support for a digital transformation. Listen now!


The Cutter Edge is a free biweekly email service that gives you information and advice that you can put to work immediately for your organization. Issues are written by Cutter Consortium's Senior Consultants, Fellows and journal authors.

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About The Author
Cutter Consortium
Cutter's more than 150 internationally recognized experts are committed to delivering top-level, critical, and objective advice, content, and executive education. Our team's expertise and credentials are exceptional: they have done, and are doing, groundbreaking work in organizations worldwide, helping you adapt to changing business models, leverage emerging technologies, and identify best practices to achieve competitive advantage.