
Define the Value of EA Contributions as Service Offerings

Posted January 24, 2018 | |
Figure 1 — Integrated enterprise planning process.

Moving EA into a position of strategic importance involves making the case that enterprise architecture provides value, and that the business stakeholder can directly and immediately benefit from that value. Under­standing the services EA provides, and the value proposition for each one, is a requirement for making that argument.

About The Author
Avinash Malik
A. Nicklas Malik is a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. He has more than 35 years’ experience in every aspect of high-tech and digital innovation. As a consultant, Mr. Malik has supported organizations as a senior enterprise strategy architect and as an interim CIO. He has worked in a wide array of organizations, including financial services, healthcare, real estate, telecom­munications, manufacturing, software,… Read More
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