
Disciplined Agile Strategies for DW/BI

Posted January 30, 2014 | Technology | Amplify

Data warehousing/business intelligence (DW/BI) development is one of the few "final frontiers" remaining for wide-scale adoption of Agile solution delivery strategies. Several people have led the way in applying Agile techniques in the DW/BI field,1-3 but their advice is just now being adopted by mainstream data practitioners. Having said that, I believe we are quickly reaching a tipping point where Agile strategies will become mainstream within the data community. This article overviews the strategies and techniques that a disciplined Agile DW/BI team will follow. Not a client? Download your complimentary copy here.

About The Author
Scott Ambler
Scott W. Ambler is a Cutter Expert. He is the cocreator of the Disciplined Agile (DA) framework and thought leader behind the Agile Modeling and Agile Data methods, working with clients around the world to improve the way they develop software. Mr. Ambler is coauthor of several software development books, including An Executive’s Guide to Disciplined Agile, Disciplined Agile Delivery, Agile Modeling, The Elements of UML 2.0 Style, Agile Database… Read More
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