Executive Update

Domain Name Trademark Disputes, Round II

Posted July 31, 2007 | Leadership | Leadership | Leadership |

The early days of the Internet were characterized by a lot of envelope-pushing. Like the opening day of the Oklahoma land rush in the American West, individuals and companies rushed to claim a chunk of cyberspace without necessarily knowing whether that chunk would yield gold or simply lumps of coal.

About The Author
Daniel Langin
Daniel J. Langin is the Principal of Langin Law Firm, LLC. Mr. Langin has over 26 years' experience in private and corporate practice, including 21 years' experience in technology law. He is a former member of the Aspen Institute's Internet Policy Project and has served as general counsel for two technology companies. Mr. Langin is a frequent advisor, speaker, and writer on the issues of technology law and policy in the US, Canada, Europe, and… Read More
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