Executive Update

Enterprise Architecture and Business-Focused Change Management: Part III

Posted December 30, 2007 | Technology |

When asking a typical IT manager about a single area where an enterprise architecture (EA) effort should be able to prove its value, probably the most expected answer would be "giving support to projects being run." It is not my ambition here to present the whole scope of possibilities in which EA could support running projects but rather to focus on the refactoring needs concept introduced in Part of this series. Recall that Part II presented refactoring needs in the context of an actual case study in which I worked. Here in Part III, I continue with that case and get into more details about how the refactoring needs built on an EA could support and synergize ongoing software development projects.

About The Author
Sebastian Konkol
Sebastian Konkol is an enterprise startup and strategy consultant and the owner of the consultancy firm TwisterSolve. Mr. Konkol specializes in strategic IT planning, business technology partnerships from both the technology and organizational perspectives, and fostering new technology management methods supported by social psychology. He provides advisory services to companies in ICT-based and ICT-intensive industries. Mr. Konkol also divides… Read More
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