Executive Update

Enterprise Risk Management: IT Temple or Tomb?

Posted January 4, 2011 | Leadership | Leadership |

I am a futurist. My job is to identify what's changing and what isn't changing, how fast it's changing, the interactions betwixt and between (or cumulative impact of multiple change elements), and what C-suite executives can do to benefit from change. I forecast that enterprise risk management (ERM) will be the defining element of enterprise success for the second decade of the third millennium. For the past nine months, I have been intensely examining the possible future trajectory of the practice and practitioners of ERM.

About The Author
Thornton May
Thornton May hosts the Value Studio program at the IT Leadership Academy at Florida State College at Jacksonville, serves as Master of Ceremonies for the CIO Solutions Gallery at Ohio State University, cofounded the Olin Innovation Lab at Olin College of Engineering, and is launching the Value Proposition Bootcamp program for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and CIOs who would create value with the next wave of technology. He is the author of… Read More
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