Executive Update

Expanding XML's Core Capabilities

Posted June 30, 2001 | Technology |

There's no shortage of Extensible Markup Language (XML) hype these days, but it's nevertheless a very new standard. In most cases, when people talk about XML, they are assuming it can do things that are well beyond the basic XML standard issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). I've argued that there are really four issues to consider:

About The Author
Paul Harmon
Paul Harmon is an internationally known business consultant, technology analyst, and thought leader with a focus on applying new technologies and methodologies to real-world business problems. He began his career in artificial intelligence (AI) with the publication of his popular book, Expert Systems: AI for Business (coauthored with David King in 1983). As a decades-long Cutter Expert, Mr. Harmon authored various Cutter journals, including … Read More
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