
Using BPM to Align Strategy and Execution

Posted February 1, 2005 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review


In examining BPM adoption trends, I focused specifically on end-user organizations. Therefore, I filtered out survey responses from software vendors and software services organizations that market BPM software products or assist organizations with BPM initiatives. Vendors and services firms typically apply new technologies (in assisting clients) to a greater extent than do end-user companies. This tends to skew survey results, giving the appearance that more end-user organizations implement the technology than is often the case.

About The Author
Curt Hall
Curt Hall is a Cutter Expert and a member of Arthur D. Little’s AMP open consulting network. He has extensive experience as an IT analyst covering technology and application development trends, markets, software, and services. Mr. Hall's expertise includes artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), intelligent process automation (IPA), natural language processing (NLP) and conversational computing, blockchain for business, and customer… Read More
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