Finding the Sweet Spot: Balancing the Risks and Rewards of Social Networking Technologies in the Enterprise

Posted September 30, 2009 | |

Although the foundation of modern technology is based on 1s and 0s, or "on" or "off," many of the technology deployments in today's enterprise are not that simple. Particularly from a business risk perspective, it is more complicated than black or white, and we must learn to manage a lot more gray. The Chinese philosophical concept of yin-yang is based on the belief that there are two complementary forces in the universe and one cannot be viewed as better than the other.

About The Author
Timothy Virtue
Tim Virtue is a global cybersecurity, risk management, compliance, technology, and business executive with more than 20 years’ experience. He is founder and Managing Partner of TechView Partners, a strategy-focused cybersecurity and risk management advisory firm. Mr. Virtue is an industry veteran, previously holding several chief information security or chief security officer positions. He has extensive experience in various regulated industries… Read More
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