
The Gremlins of Mobile Data

Posted April 28, 2015 | Leadership | Technology |

As mobile apps become increasingly sophisticated and important, they are changing the ways in which people interact with the IT environment. Mobile apps are accessed differently than is desktop software in that mobile apps are always available and become an immediate part of personal interactions. As they are used for social purposes -- for scheduling and meetings, to access travel details, and to perform innumerable mundane functions that coincide with the needs of ordinary life -- mobile apps leave a rich trail of data that can be exploited, for better or for worse, by companies wishing to enhance their marketing efforts. But these data streams also provide extraordinarily rich pickings for nefarious purposes. Added to this risk is the growing use of business apps that connect to corporate systems and data, creating an increasing security threat across a wide range of vectors.

About The Author
Brian Dooley
Brian J. Dooley is an author, analyst, and journalist with more than 30 years' experience in analyzing and writing about IT trends. Mr. Dooley has written seven books, numerous user manuals, hundreds of reports, and more than 2,000 magazine features. He is the founder and past President of the New Zealand Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication and initiated the Graduate Certificate in Technical Communication program at Christchurch… Read More
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