
How Many Friends Do You Need on Your Agile Team?

Posted January 29, 2014 | Leadership |

I often get questions from management and teams about how many ScrumMasters they will need as an organization, how many product owners are sufficient, how many QA professionals they need, and so on. I think the better question concerns the number of nondeveloper, value-providing friends an Agile team needs and then finding a continuum to answer the question at the enterprise level.

About The Author
Kamal Manglani
Kamal Manglani is an Agile practitioner and a thought leader in this space. His background includes strong hands-on practitioner experience, delivering cutting-edge technology products in fast-paced Fortune 500 companies. He has successfully implemented Agile across global brands in the US, Europe, and Indian markets. Kamal has pioneered and customized Agile practices within the IT infrastructure portfolio applying Lean Kanban principles. He… Read More
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