
An IoTA of Sense Extends the Enterprise's Fence

Posted October 8, 2014 | Technology |
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
--Vincent Van Gogh

In a previous Advisor (see "Mobility: Did Thee Feel the Architecture Move?"), we observed that the enterprise's architecture has begun a move toward the edges of the enterprise. And, with that extension to the "edge," it is obvious that the enterprise can no longer be the sole architect of the structures that prop up the edifice of business.

About The Author
Balaji Prasad
Balaji Prasad is President of the strategic architecture firm, Eminnode LLC. Previously, Mr. Prasad served as an EA leader within Cognizant’s Global Banking and Financial Services Practice and as CTO and Chief Architect for various large enterprises, including EDS (now HP Enterprise Services), General Motors, OnStar, and The Hartford Financial Services. With 30 years’ experience in IT leadership centered around architecture, innovation, and… Read More
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