Executive Update

IT: Finding Common Ground with Your Customers

Posted April 9, 2013 | Leadership | Technology |

There's a fundamental problem between the IT profession and its customers: there's an abundance of focus on the cost of the technology (the "T"), yet a dearth of focus on the value of the information (the "I") side of the equation. If the connection between I and T is not clear, then the cost of the technology becomes the only common ground between IT and its customers, and this ground is business quicksand.

About The Author
Bob Multhaup
Bob Multhaup is President of IT Business Dimensions and architect of the ITin3D IT modeling tool. With 12 years of CIO experience as the VP of IT for Henkel North America and the Divisional Information Officer of two Sandoz (now Novartis) global divisions and seven years working in Europe. Mr. Multhaup has designed a consulting business around the need of CIOs to transform their IT function into a service-based business model with an emphasis on… Read More
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