
IT Must Focus On Business Value, Not IT Cost Cutting

Posted January 1, 2004 | Leadership | Cutter Benchmark Review

A business executive recently told me that IT was too busy focusing on the needs of IT rather than on those of the business community. This user claimed that IT had various projects in the works to consolidate certain databases, address hardware cost performance, deploy new packages, and pursue myriad other projects that did little to recover bottom-line revenue or streamline business costs. This emphasis on IT cost cutting over delivering business value is quite common.

About The Author
William Ulrich
William M. Ulrich is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and President of TSG, Inc. Specializing in business and IT planning and transformation strategies, he has more than 35 years’ experience in the business-IT management consulting field. Mr. Ulrich serves as strategic advisor and mentor on business-IT transformation initiatives and also serves as a workshop leader to businesses on a wide… Read More
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