
Trends in Corporate IT Spending: A Permanent Change Or a Pause to Digest?

Posted January 1, 2004 | Leadership | Cutter Benchmark Review

During the go-go years of the Internet boom, I used to run an exercise in some of my executive education classes that went like this: I'd ask each participant to write a list -- not to be shared with anyone -- of his or her top five ideas for using IT to create economic value for his or her own company. After the participants had finished, I'd ask them to consider their list and code each item "R" or "C" based on whether the idea created value primarily by increasing revenue (the "R") or by reducing cost (the "C").

About The Author
Robert Austin
Robert D. Austin is a Cutter Consortium Fellow and a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. He is a regular speaker at the annual Cutter Summit and often delivers Cutter Bootcamps. Dr. Austin served as a professor on the faculty at Harvard Business School for more than a decade, and then as Professor of Management of Innovation & Digital Transformation at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. He is currently Professor… Read More
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