Executive Update

Learning from a Privacy Ombudsman: A Case Study to Establish a Healthcare Services Ombudsman

Posted February 29, 2008 | Leadership | Leadership |


Despite an organization's best efforts to create a positive experience with their customers, patients, and employees, and to provide the most effective safeguards possible for personally identifiable information (PII), there will always be issues and incidents that occur to create dissatisfaction and friction.

About The Author
Rebecca Herold
Rebecca Herold, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CIPM, CIPT, CIPP/US, FLMI, is CEO, The Privacy Professor; Partner, Compliance Helper; and owner/partner for HIPAACompliance.org. Ms. Herold has more than two decades of privacy and information security experience and has provided information security, privacy, and compliance services to organizations in a wide range of industries throughout the world. She has been named among the "Best Privacy Advisers"… Read More
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