
Legacy and Cloud Integration

Posted January 21, 2016 | Technology |

It's one thing to espouse the virtues of Agile by giving examples of young organizations such as Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and others that are built on new architectures and tools. It's entirely another scenario when speaking to older enterprises that must manage significant technical debt, as well as business and technical architectural complexities and interdependencies, often with strict regulatory requirements, across simultaneous legacy and cloud projects. All this adds up to an environment fraught with fragility and risk.

About The Author
Steve Bell
Steve Bell serves on the faculty of the Lean Enterprise Institute, and the Lean Global Network. He has published three books: Run Grow Transform, Lean IT and Lean Enterprise Systems. He is a recipient of the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence, and coined the term “Lean IT.” Mr. Bell has championed the convergence and collaboration across technology communities (including DevOps, Agile, Scrum, ITIL, ITSM, COBIT, ISO, and others) through… Read More
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