
Location Is Not Enough: Five Up-and-Coming Features to Think About

Posted November 30, 2016 | | Amplify
Jesse Feiler

The excitement of location awareness in apps and websites has passed; people are looking for the next evolution in the location arena. If you’re looking to see where your investment in location technologies might go next, the five examples in this Advisor are a good starting place. They all represent different approaches to the idea that location isn’t enough. Location — even with the best interactive mapping technologies — is one-dimensional. When you add things to it, you expand it across many useful dimensions of information and — more important — action.

About The Author
Jesse Feiler
Jesse Feiler is a developer, consultant, and author specializing in Apple technologies. He is the creator of Minutes Machine for iPad, Saranac River Trail app, and the forthcoming Trails & Places app. As a consultant, Mr. Feiler has worked with small businesses and nonprofits on such projects as production control, publishing, and project management, usually involving FileMaker and iOS Core Data. His books include: Introduction to SQLite for… Read More
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