
Managing Customer Expectations

Posted July 16, 2014 | Leadership |
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
-- Alexander Pope

That may not apply to B2B clients who usually have a burgeoning set of expectations of the service provider. Inability to manage expectations can hurt the service provider's client relationships. This Advisor examines the nature of client expectations in a B2B landscape and proposes actions to manage these very expectations.

About The Author
Abhinav Iyer
Abhinav is an organizational consultant and is part of the Leadership Development Group in WIPRO's Corporate HRD team. He specifically focuses on designing learning experiences in the areas of client centricity, B2B sales and marketing, organizational learning, and self-development. This includes partnering with internal clients within the WIPRO group to design and facilitate workshops and other interventions. In his professional journey,… Read More
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