
Measuring Up to Metrics: Are Software Organizations Managing by Data?

Posted March 1, 2005 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review

There is a simple illusion shown in Figure 1. When asked which of the two lines is longer, many people choose line A, while some who have seen a similar example before will say that both lines are the same length. Actually, line B is longer. When I showed this figure to a class several years ago, one student remarked that surely I must have meant to say that line A is longer. I invited the student to measure the lines, to which he responded, "But that would be pointless when the result is so clear."

About The Author
E.M. Bennatan
E.M. Bennatan was a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium's Agile Product & Project Management practice and a contributor to that advisory service, including its survey-based Executive Updates. His extensive hands-on management experience stemmed from many years as Senior Director at Motorola, Inc., developing large software systems and leading multinational design centers. He was also VP of Engineering at Midway Corporation, where he… Read More
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