
The Mission's Mission

Posted November 26, 2014 | | Amplify

Organizations have missions. Specific roles have missions, too. The fact that we go to some trouble to define missions is an indication that there is some utility in doing so for entities designed to accomplish something of value. We are currently putting architects in place in our enterprises. But there are so many varied definitions of "architect" within enterprises, let alone across companies. So can defining an architect's mission help?

About The Author
Balaji Prasad
Balaji Prasad is President of the strategic architecture firm, Eminnode LLC. Previously, Mr. Prasad served as an EA leader within Cognizant’s Global Banking and Financial Services Practice and as CTO and Chief Architect for various large enterprises, including EDS (now HP Enterprise Services), General Motors, OnStar, and The Hartford Financial Services. With 30 years’ experience in IT leadership centered around architecture, innovation, and… Read More
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