
Mobile Technologies: Still Capturing Attention Despite Shrinking Budgets

Posted February 28, 2009 | Leadership | Cutter Benchmark Review

Last month's installment of CBR took us into unchartered territory. This month we get back to what we do best: we evaluate an emerging or evolving trend and benchmark it through a survey of our readership. The focus in this issue is the mobile platform. Mobile technology, its applications, and the services that are delivered over the wireless channel continue to evolve.

About The Author
Gabriele Piccoli
Gabriele Piccoli is a Fellow with Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and the Editor Emeritus of Cutter Benchmark Review. Dr. Piccoli is the Edward G. Schlieder Endowed Chair of Information Sciences at Louisiana State University's E.J. Ourso College of Business, and Director of the Digital Data Streams Lab. His consulting, research, and teaching expertise is in strategic information systems and the use… Read More
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