
More on the Search for Low-Hanging Fruit: Improving Security and Privacy with Penetration Testing

Posted October 20, 2009 | | Amplify

Since my article appeared in the August issue of Cutter IT Journal (see "In Search of Low-Hanging Fruit: Improving Security and Privacy with Penetration Testing," Vol. 22, No. 8), I have talked with several clients and read other articles that have cited additional reasons for not properly auditing the security of networks and applications.

About The Author
Bryan Miller
Bryan Miller has more than 25 years of information technology experience. He has a BS in information systems and an MS in computer science from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia, USA, and was a former Cisco CCNA instructor at John Tyler and J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Colleges in Richmond. Mr. Miller has also been a guest lecturer at the VCU Fast Track Executive Master of Science (FTEMS) program. Beginning in fall… Read More
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