
Old Ideas Become New Again: Reduce the IT Shortage by Hiring More Women

Posted February 28, 2001 | Leadership |

Getting old isn't much fun, but it occasionally has some benefits -- one of which is the experience of "déjà vu all over again." In the IT industry, as in most other walks of life, the same problems, trends, fads, and Eureka!-style discoveries seem to occur about once a decade.

About The Author
Ed Yourdon
Ed Yourdon was cofounder, with Karen Coburn, of Cutter Consortium. Ed served as Fellow of the Cutter Business Technology Council, and Founding Editor and Editor Emeritus of the Cutter IT Journal. He chaired Cutter's Summit for many years. Mr. Yourdon is widely known as the lead developer of the structured analysis/design methods of the 1970s. He was a codeveloper of the Yourdon/Whitehead method of object-oriented (OO) analysis/design and the… Read More
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