
Practical Management: Lean and Beyond

Posted July 8, 2015 | | Amplify

[From the Editor: This week's Cutter IT Advisor is from authors Jim Benson's and Tonianne DeMaria Barry's introduction to the June 2015 issue of Cutter IT Journal, "Practical Management: Lean and Beyond" (Vol. 28, No. 6). Learn more about Cutter IT Journal.]

About The Author
Tonianne DeMaria Barry
Tonianne DeMaria Barry is a partner at Modus Cooperandi, a Shingo-award winning author, systems thinker, photographer, and historian. She looks beyond the apparently obvious problems and sees their real social and systemic root causes. Ms. Barry is the coauthor (with Jim Benson) of Personal Kanban and the upcoming Why Kanban Works. She is cofounder of Kaizen Camp, the continuous improvement un-conference with events held worldwide. Passionate… Read More
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