
Read Beyond Your Value Stream Map

Posted February 10, 2011 | Technology |

I have spent the last few days working with a customer on Kanban adoption. One of the organization's teams in particular claimed to be highly productive and therefore didn't think Kanban could be of much use. I worked with the team to create a value stream map (VSM) of their process by walking them through these six steps:

About The Author
Masa Maeda
Masa K. Maeda is a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. Dr. Maeda, a long-standing Agilist and member of the leading community on high collaboration frameworks, is a pioneer of XSCALE and Kanban for knowledge work. He is also founder of Valueinnova LLC. Dr. Maeda has 26 years’ international experience providing consulting, coaching, and training services to companies from Fortune 500 to startups in four continents. He is a… Read More
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