
Relationships Increasingly Seen As Key to Successful Outsourcing Contracts

Posted November 16, 2010 | Leadership | Leadership |

The first view of outsourcing contracts argues that the contract is the most important part in the client-vendor relationship. The second view, while far from advocating that a contract is unnecessary, places its importance significantly beneath that of the relationship. The contract has its place, but it alone cannot produce results. An experienced contract-management team focused on cooperation, common interests, and earning trust over time creates the results and efficiencies. A mere piece of paper cannot achieve such results.

About The Author
Galina Levitin
Galina Levitin is an analyst at Mercer Australia. She earned a master's degree in business and IT from the University of Melbourne. During her studies, Ms. Levitin was awarded the Graduate Merit Scholarship and the Melbourne Global Scholarship and was chosen to participate in the Global Business Practicum program. She also holds a double undergraduate degree in law and communications studies from Tel Aviv University.
Sara Cullen
Dr. Sara Cullen is Managing Director of The Cullen Group, a boutique firm offering consulting, publications, and education regarding commercial agreements, a Fellow at the University of Melbourne, and a Research Associate at the London School of Economics. She was former National Partner at Deloitte in Australia, where she ran the outsourcing consulting division and was the Global Thought Leader for outsourcing. Dr. Cullen specializes in the… Read More
Sara Cullen
Dr. Sara Cullen is Managing Director of The Cullen Group, a boutique firm offering consulting, publications, and education regarding commercial agreements, a Fellow at the University of Melbourne, and a Research Associate at the London School of Economics. She was former National Partner at Deloitte in Australia, where she ran the outsourcing consulting division and was the Global Thought Leader for outsourcing. Dr. Cullen specializes in the… Read More
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