Executive Update

The Role of Adaptability in Alignment

Posted September 30, 1999 | Leadership | Technology | Leadership |

Q: Where do you think the misalignment between business and IT comes from?

One of the key factors in misalignment is change. There is so much change, things are moving so much faster, and business models are changing -- dramatically. We all know about the e-commerce initiatives from Internet companies such as Amazon.com, Dell, Cisco, and Intel.

About The Author
Jim Highsmith
Jim Highsmith is a Cutter Fellow Emeritus. He was the founding Director of Cutter’s Agile Product & Project Management practice and received the 2005 Stevens Award in recognition of his work in adaptive software development and Agile processes. Mr. Highsmith has 30-plus years’ experience as an IT manager, product manager, project manager, consultant, and software developer. He has consulted with IT and product development organizations and… Read More
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