
Current Developments in IT Security and Risk Management

Posted September 1, 2005 | Leadership | Cutter Benchmark Review

IT security certainly is an unusual business. The types and magnitudes of the threats we face today would be almost unimaginable just a few years ago. E-mail viruses have been with us since 1999 [1], but the delivery mechanisms have become more effective and more insidious. For years, security folks were warning us about the growing problems associated with identity theft, and we had been waiting quite some time for the inevitable big Internet worm that would succeed the Morris Worm of 1988 [2]. We now deal with these situations on a daily basis.

About The Author
Nick Christenson
Nick Christenson is an independent consultant with expertise in open source, information security and risk management, and Internet services. His specialty is in bottom-up deployment of scalable Internet services. Among other organizations, he has worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, EarthLink Network, and Sendmail. Mr. Christenson has written numerous papers and articles, mostly focusing on the deployment of scalable Internet services, and… Read More
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