
Outsourcing and Information Security: What Are the Risks?

Posted September 1, 2005 | Leadership | Cutter Benchmark Review

When outsourcing is the subject of discussion, the issues that typically surface include concerns about employment for US engineers [4], lower salaries in developing countries, the adequacy of management, and communications problems. These business and social issues are indeed important, but little attention is being paid to the potential for information security problems when outsourcing occurs. Some of the issues are:

About The Author
Nancy Mead
Nancy Mead is senior member of the technical staff in the Networked Survivable Systems Program of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and a faculty member in the Master of Software Engineering program at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Mead is currently involved in the study of survivable systems architectures and the development of professional infrastructure for software engineers. Her research interests are in the areas of software… Read More
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