
Service-Oriented Governance: Key Principles for Strategic Success

Posted September 30, 2006 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review


Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is quickly emerging as the next innovation within the IT marketplace that is being widely adopted by organizations. Both vendors and customers are lining up to become SOA-enabled. Vendors such as IBM, SAP, Oracle, HP, and Microsoft see the enormous potential of SOA and are rushing to become active in the SOA market space. Customers don't want to get left behind and hence are clamoring for information about what they need to do to get ready for SOA.

About The Author
Andrew Schwarz
Andrew Schwarz is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department in the EJ Ourso College of Business Administration at Louisiana State University. Dr. Schwarz brings to his current position a unique blend of industry and academic qualifications. Prior to pursuing his PhD, he completed his undergraduate degree at Florida Atlantic University, where he majored in social psychology and minored in sociology.… Read More
Rudy Hirschheim
Rudy Hirschheim is the Ourso Family Distinguished Professor of Information Systems in the EJ Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University (USA). He previously was the Tenneco/Chase International Professor of Information Systems in the Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, and past Director of the Information Systems Research Center. Dr. Hirschheim has held visiting appointments as Adjunct Professor, Monash University (… Read More
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