Executive Update

Skill Sets of Tomorrow: What We Need to Train People for Today

Posted May 4, 2010 | Leadership | Leadership |

As the 21st century proceeds, we are entering an era where basic assumptions about business organization and employment are evolving. This is resulting in a number of fundamental changes to expectations and skills requirements. People entering the workforce will need new sets of skills and new ways of working. This will be true across all business sectors, but the impacts within IT are likely to be profound.

About The Author
Brian Dooley
Brian J. Dooley is an author, analyst, and journalist with more than 30 years' experience in analyzing and writing about IT trends. Mr. Dooley has written seven books, numerous user manuals, hundreds of reports, and more than 2,000 magazine features. He is the founder and past President of the New Zealand Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication and initiated the Graduate Certificate in Technical Communication program at Christchurch… Read More
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