
The State of BI: An RV Parked in a Cul-de-Sac

Posted August 31, 2007 | Technology | Cutter Benchmark Review

For me, the most telling and important statistic in Cutter's recent survey on the state of BI is the percentage of employees that use BI tools: 57% of respondents indicate 0%-9.99% and 70% indicate 0%-14.99% (see Graph 9 in the Survey Data section beginning on page 24). This confirms what I have long since observed -- most employees do not use business intelligence tools. Experience has also shown me that of those that do use BI tools, most use the more mundane features of the tools.

About The Author
Vince Kellen
Vince Kellen is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and a frequent Summit speaker. He is currently CIO at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), a member of UCSD’s Chancellor's Cabinet, and Vice Chancellor and CFO of the UCSD senior management team. Dr. Kellen brings a rare combination of academic, business, and IT strategy experience to his role, with a focus on strategic… Read More
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