Executive Update

Success Secrets of Pair Programming

Posted December 31, 2006 | Technology |

Pair programming is a common practice that originated from Extreme Programming (XP), in which two programmers work collaboratively at one computer on the same design, algorithm, or code. The benefits of pair programming on software development are well documented and include improving design quality, reducing defects, lowering staffing risks, enhancing technical skills, and improving team communications [3, 8, 11]. Although pair programming has become increasingly popular, some programmers remain skeptical of pairing.

About The Author
Joseph Chao
Joseph T. Chao is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Bowling Green State University. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Chao has seven years of industry experience in software development, including three years as Director of Software Development. His research focus is on software engineering with special interests in agile software development, programming languages, and object-oriented analysis and design. He has published in such… Read More
Gulgunes Atli
Gulgunes Atli received a master's degree in Computer Science, specializing in Software Engineering, at Bowling Green State University. She has been assisting instructors in introductory computer programming courses and consulting students. Her research interests are in software engineering, human-computer interaction, and agile methodologies.
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