Executive Update

Surviving What Are Sure to Be Interesting Times

Posted January 5, 2009 | Leadership | Leadership |

"May you live in interesting times" is an ironic Chinese curse about to be experienced by more than a few CIOs in the US. Our truly terrifying current economic climate is sure to impact IT organizations profoundly as organizations call on business units to do more, maybe far more, with less. In the name of sound IT management, CIOs are reminded to consider the most common sources of technology management failures that happen in the good times because in bad times like these, managerial vulnerabilities are often magnified.

About The Author
John Berry
John Berry Senior Consultant John Berry is a management consultant with extensive experience in helping organizations execute strategies designed to deliver breakthrough value from IT and other investments. He is the inventor of a portfolio of strategic planning and value analysis methodologies that guide managers in their IT investment and sourcing decisions. He is also the author of Tangible Strategies for Intangible Assets (McGraw-Hill, 2004… Read More
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