
Sweet Tweets: Gaining Business Advantage from Social Networking

Posted December 15, 2009 | Leadership |

Participants in a recent Cutter Benchmark Review survey who indicated that their organizations are not using or testing social networks cite a lack of perceived business value as the main reason (see, "Unlocking the Organizational Potential of Social Networking," Vol. 9, No. 5). What can organizations do to make sure their investments in social networking applications pay off? First, organizations need to make sure that their social networking applications are aligned with their corporate strategy.

About The Author
Mary Culnan
Mary J. Culnan is the Slade Professor of Management and Information Technology at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. Her current research interests include privacy, promoting security on home computers, and online communities. She is the author of more than 90 articles including publications in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, The Information Society, Management Science, The New York Times, and The Washington… Read More
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